Homecoming 2001
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My first high school dance! YAY
So my first two years in high school, I was not allowed to go to any dances. So this was really exciting cuz in my junior year, I was able to go to my homecoming! Yay! My wonderful first date was Mr. Ryan Panchadsaram. Its neat how exactly a year later Ryan was Homecoming King! Go Ryan! Well in any case. It was a fun dance!

Buddies forever
Did you know that Ryan bought my
Mom all these Godiva's chocolates
and hot coco for letting
me go to the dance?! That was so cool.
I even remember that Sean ate everything
anyway. For our homecoming dinner we went
to an Italian restaurant with Jennifer
Jones and her date, and Annamarie and Christina.
Smile! Group Picture
I remember at dinner how I
thought it was so funny
how the waiter recited the
entire menu by heart. I started
laughing and I told him to
do it again. But then Ryan
got mad at me! haha
Pix of me at Home
My mommy did my makeup! :)
I love my mom.