Ana's Virtual Album
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Ana and Annamarie

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Homecoming 2001

Prom 2002

Homecoming 2002

Prom 2003

Annamarie/ Middle School

Welcome to My Page!

Hey everyone, I really wanted to make a website that I could look back on in college when I am missing my buddies here in San Diego! Well let me know what you think. If you are viewing this website right now, there is probably at least one picture of you in here. If not, we gotta take one!! :)

"If I could recapture
All of the memories
And bring them to life
Surely I would
To hear the distant laughter...."

Time is short but that's all right
Maybe I'll go in the middle of the night
Take your hands from your eyes, my love
Everything must end some time
Don't burn the day away

Silly Thoughts

Mom - Why can't you ever look decent around the house? Wear some nice clothes and fix your hair.

Me - But Mom, this is my real self.

Mom - Save your real self for Berkeley.

Mom - Call Sean for dinner.

Me - Okay. UGGGLLLEEEE, time for dinner!

Sean - Coming Fatty!


Shout out to my brother who continually laughs at how technically deficient and lame my website is. But this is the best I can do!

My thoughts on music....
I like most types of music but I would have to say alternative and Indian music rocks. Right now my favorites are Jack Johnson and Dave Matthews. I also love Radiohead, RHCP, and Oasis. And of course, like Annamarie, I like all of Mariah Carey's Albums till Rainbow. THen something went terribily wrong!! Indian music also totally rocks! A.R. Raheman, Lucky Ali, Asha Bhosle and Bhangra. You know what I'm sayin!!

"When I'm walking on the water, comes up through my toes, to my ankles, to my head and down my soul and I'm blown away."

"Isn't it strange
How we move our lives for another day
Like skipping a beat."

Thoughts on Religion
"Truth is one, paths are many." That is the fundamental, all embracing and universal truth in my mind. If you come to think of it, all religions preach the same values, morals and ethics. The difference comes in the names of our prophets and Gods. People should be united in the idea that we are one human race that experiences the same emotions of pain, suffering and even happiness. The more dogmatic one is about their faith, the more insecure one is about their beliefs. They spend more time preaching to others thinking they have discovered the ultimate truth., But in reality, they are trying to convince themselves. Religion is a medium that one can use to become closer to God, but ultimately, everyone has a different means of achieving this goal.

Link to Other Pictures


Cute Berekely Guys? Is there such a thing?!

Ohhh myyy. Suken, Neil and Ali lookin fine...just one thing is missing....SAJAN!! Where is SAJAN?!!! Oh no! :)

Link to More Hot Indian guy(s)