Annamarie Mendoza
Home Page

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Ana and Annamarie

The Gang


Homecoming 2001

Prom 2002

Homecoming 2002

Prom 2003

Annamarie/ Middle School


This webpage is dedicated to one of my nearest and dearest friend Annamarie.
I am going to miss you so much when you go to Irvine. Keep me updated on all the good looking Indian guys there and I will be sure to report to you any of the good looking Philipino guys at Berkeley. In fact, I will show them this website so they can see how pretty you are :)

Even as a toddler, Annamarie was able to attract boys without much effort.

How cute! Always smiling and happy!

Ashley's Birthday Party. You can never fail to look cute in overalls!

Best friends forever!! Eighth grade harbor cruise!

Now matter how old Annamarie gets, she can never stop loving Disney!

The days.....unadultrated by MALES and boy problems! Those were the days.. sigh

Us dorky eighth graders!! Shultzee never stopped looking hot :)

Its the philipino princess Mendoza with her classy fan and sophisticated attire.

Harbor Cruise

Annamarie looking stylish with the shirt I bought her for her birthday :)

Awww! Annamarie at her first Homecoming dance with Shultzee! Remember Annamarie, black is the best!

Mother Maria to the rescue. Hey Annamarie, if we never get married, we can always become nuns. Tina Marie from Sur!!

Annamarie sitting on the car she is going to drive in when she takes roadtrips to Berkeley.

Little Annamarie doesn't look too happy in her halloween costume!

Annamarie, the epitome of hapiness and innocense.