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Ana and Annamarie

The Gang


Homecoming 2001

Prom 2002

Homecoming 2002

Prom 2003

Annamarie/ Middle School

Anytime you need a friend, I will be here...even if we're miles apart, I'm by your side....
Through good times and bad, through thick and thin, we have experienced it all! But the best part is that we lived it together. Anyone can relate that high school couldn't have been all that great without those special friends. Although we are all making the transition to college, there will always those precious memories you will cherish forever. Thank you for being you, Annamarie!

This is one of my favorite pix
This is Annamarie and me at the Senior Picnic. It was really funny because the day before we had gone shopping with Shayak and Jessica for these really cool hats. We hadn't planned on wearing similar clothing but it was ironic how it turned out that way. (But we did plan on wearing the hats!) Everyone thought we looked like twins :)
AM Squared Contemplating Life
This is Annnamarie and me thinking really hard. We obviously arn't cuz we we're stupid enough to go to the cox arena for graduation practice!!
Multicultural Fair May 2003
Cool Pix of us!
Prom 2002
Prom was a blast cuz my best friend was there :) Look how pretty Annamarie looks! :)
Prom 2003
Both of our moms got mad because we wore black the year before to prom. So we decided to go totally different. What do you think? The sleek black sexy look or the springtime white and blue look?!
CLASS OF 2003!!
Wow, we FINALLY GRADUATED! Thank goodness. It sersiouly was about time.
Excel Photo
You kinda have to tilt your head to see this picture properly :)