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Homecoming 2001

Prom 2002

Homecoming 2002

Prom 2003

Annamarie/ Middle School

This year's theme for Homecoming was California Dreams. My date was the cutest/smartest/sweetest Indian boy in the world, Shayak Sarkar. I couldn't have asked for a crazier date....
Here are some memorable pix from our night. Shayak came over to my house and we all took pictures. Then we went to Bridgette's house and took some pictures there. Shayak's is the CRAZIEST DRIVER in the world. He moves the steering wheel according to the music that is being played on the radio. Its very scary, especially at night :) "What's Love, Shayak?" Well in any case, I was extremely amazed and awed with Shayak's dancing skills.

This is one of my favorite picture of Shayak.
My date is the most handsome Bengali Indian boy in the world.
Shayak and Anuradha
Our group of four met up with Daisy and Mitch at Bernardo's for an interesting French Cuisine. The food was.....interesting? But we had some great conversation. Shayak and me reminiced about the old days at dinner.
Erin, Ana, and Joanna
After the dance, a bunch of us went to Denny's to hang out. That was really fun! You wouldn't think that so many people would show up to Denny's at one in the monring!
Shayak and Ana
I remember that my dad made Shayak and me so nervous while he was taking pictures, that's why we both look so stiff. But we still look cute :)
The three Muskateers
After Denny's we went to Shayak's house and his dad took more pictures of us. Kamal Uncle is the best! If you havn't met Shayak's dad, you are really missing out because he is the sweetest person you will ever meet. I really am going to miss him when the Sarkars move to North Carolina!
I know I'll cry when they leave :( I LOVE THE SARKARS!
Shayak and Ana
This picture seriously looks like we are about to get engaged or something. Hehe. Hey maybe it will happen someday if Shayak and I are 45 and still desparate! Just kidding. :)
Aurora and Ana
I love this picture because of Aurora's cool boa thingy! That's neato!